I am feeling wretched after Man Utd lost against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. It was a very bad game as played by Chelsea. They did play well in the first half, but once United had the equaliser (thnx to Rooney), the home team were all over the park. Also the late penalty decision by the ref (or rather his idiot linesman) was ridiculous. The ball did touch Carrick’s hand, but it was purely accidental. And then Ballack converted the spot kick and that was the end of it.
I know Man Utd will definitely come stronger than ever and go on to successfully lift the trophy again.
But i am very disappointed at the way the refs have been working this season. The English FA must take proper measures and appoint some new ref’s or else wrong decisions will leave some of the deserving teams to lose a very crucial game.
Come on Barcelona… We are ready!
glory glory Manchester United.


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